27 Things To Be Grateful For | Why being Humble and Grateful is Important?

“Thank You” and “Sorry” are the two most powerful word weapons humans have got. But do we use them as often? The answer would be, no.
Simply saying thank you for your work can reflect your gratitude, while sorry means the humbleness your attitude carries.
So why being humble and grateful is important?
While we complain about our resentments and disappointments in our day-to-day lives, we tend to forget the larger picture. We are not content with what we have got or what we achieved.
We don’t show Gratitude towards what we got and be humble about it. It’s easier said than done.
Life Changing Power of Humility and Thankfulness
The journey called Life is long, with change and growth being inevitable. The two actions are separate but give us a lifelong lesson.
It is to understand the perspective of others, approach the powerful unknown, and be grounded all the time. We are so caught up in our things that we forget to appreciate the little things in our lives.
There are so many things to be grateful for in your life. For example, giving back to mankind in the form of charity is a great way to express thankfulness and be humble simultaneously.
“Gratitude is the beginning of wisdom. Stated differently; true wisdom cannot be obtained unless it is built on the foundation of true humility and gratitude.”
― Gordon B. Hinckley
Why being Humble and Grateful is Important?
The simple act of Gratitude can change lives. You must be careful about your actions as they reflect upon your personality.
If your head is always high, certain things might go unnoticed by you. You would start considering yourself superior to others. This is precisely the opposite of what Gratitude and Humility can do.
Suppose you are passing by a signal and help the poor man by buying a pen from him or simply offering him food. This act won’t go unnoticed, and he will bless you instead.
That is why “Gratitude is one of those things that you get more by giving more.”
27 Things To Be Grateful For
You may take for granted the things you already have in your life. But instead of being thankful, you consider it a gift from God. Even if it is a gift from God, you must be thankful for that gift.
Ask yourself whether you have shown humbleness and gratitude towards what you have.
Have you taken a pause and appreciated what all you have?
Here is the list of the things to be grateful for in your Life.
1. The spectacular journey is called Life.
2. Parents who brought you into the world.
3. A home that you live giving you all the comfort.
4. Friends like family who are with you in all sorrows and joys.
5. A car or scooter to travel from one place to another.
6. Your partner in all crime is your other half.
7. The food you get to eat every day.
8. Travel to places that you wish to explore.
9. Access to quality education that helped in your career.
10. Having a dream job that fulfills your bucket list in life.
11. Choose from a variety of clothing and accessories to wear every day.
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